Saturday, April 1, 2017

Back in Black

Me, at an overpriced store holding an overpriced (but cute!) mug that I did not buy

An Announcement:

School is hard. Okay, yeah, most everyone probably knew that already, but this year school and work have been demanding all of my time and energy.

This semester I'm working two jobs, my RA position and an internship for the Catholic research organization CARA, on top of my classes and my club involvements. It sounds like a lot and it is. I haven't been calling my parents and grandparents as often, and during the week my days are pretty much just work, class, club meeting, homework, sleep, repeat. I don't regret putting so much onto my plate—I'm doing the things that I need to be doing to get where I want to be—but man, am I tired. I'm letting some things slip, like this blog, and, like, vacuuming. (Call me out, Mom.) I like the things that I'm doing, and my classes are super interesting. This semester, I'm taking four:
  1. Introduction to Logic (in case I go to law school, and to fulfill my philosophy requirement)
  2. Forensic Linguistics (language crimes, using language to solve crimes, language in the court room, etc.)
  3. Language & Society  (how different people use language - dialects, etc.)
  4. Morphology (study of words and their parts, sort of)
This summer I'm going to be in Omaha. I'll update once I figure out exactly what I'm doing, but I hope to be working for a nonprofit and taking an online class.

The best thing in my life right now? My kitten just turned one year old. 
Look at him. He's beautiful.

Cheers, all. Hopefully I'll post again soon.

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