Thursday, March 17, 2016


Atlanta Botanical Gardens as of 3/9/2016
Right now, I would love to take a nap. Instead, I'm working on checking things off the to-do list—as usual, it's a pretty long list. Unfortunately my midterms season straddled spring break, so although I successfully made it to spring break, I'm currently trying to make it to Easter break late next week.

Yes, Georgetown students get two breaks in the spring semester, spring break and Easter break; it's one of the perks of going to a Catholic school. Spring break is an entire week, and for my break, I went back to Georgia. Last week the weather in Georgia was delightful, and I wore shorts for the first time in roughly four months. It was wonderful to go back home for a little while and spend time with family and friends. 

Easter break is five days, so next week we will not have class Thursday through the following Monday. I plan on spending my Easter break in southern Virginia at my aunt Judy's house; it's going to be a great reward for surviving this next week. Other ways I will reward myself: sleep. So much sleep. I will watch the new season of Daredevil (which premieres on Netflix tomorrow!!). I will take walks in nature, and I will remind myself that life is more than a to-do list.

Sorry for the short (and three days late) post today, but a Spanish essay is calling my name. Take care!

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